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Делегирование прав в CLI

Иногда необходимо определенным пользователям дать права на некоторые команды в CLI, но не давая полного административного доступа.

Ниже приведен пример решение для предоставления прав админу alex для изменения access-lists:

router(config)#enable secret pass1
router#enable view

Где пароль есть enable password

parser view ACL
secret 5 $1$1KU6$LVXykpW58UV.nCF1e2v6q1
commands configure include terminal-queue
commands configure include ip access-list extended
commands configure include ip
commands configure include no terminal-queue
commands configure include all no ip access-list extended
commands configure include no ip
commands configure include no
commands exec include all ping ip
commands exec include ping
commands exec include configure terminal
commands exec include configure
commands exec include all show

router(config)#username alex privilege 1 password alexpass

Тогда юзер будет заходить следующим образом:
User Access Verification
Username: alex

router>enable view ACL

Exec commands:
<1-99> Session number to resume
configure Enter configuration mode
credential load the credential info from file system
enable Turn on privileged commands
exit Exit from the EXEC
ping Send echo messages
show Show running system information

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